Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Braiding Relaxed Hair?

I have had chemically relaxed hair for quite a number of years now and it has gotten quite long (16 inches measuring from the top of my head to the ends) and I am considering having it braided or dreadlocked for a different look. Should I have it done? What I am concerned about is my hair breaking and falling out. Also, can I switch back to my relaxed hair if I don't want to wear it in braids any longer, and would there be any problems with this? Please respond! Thanks.

Braiding Relaxed Hair?

It would be very difficult to lock relaxed hair. You may not be able to do that. As for braids, you need to keep your hair healthy to avoid breakage. Your best option is to seek professional advice so you can keep your length and go to a different style. Good luck and God bless!

Braiding Relaxed Hair?

i wouldnt recommend dreadlocks because it will totally mess up your hair. But braids would be fine, I've had them before and once you take them down and wash your hair and stuff your hair will go back to normal. The only thing with braids is that it causes most people's hair to fall out [dont worry not too much] This happened to me, but it's nothing drastic, just a few strands here and there nothing you can notice.

Braiding Relaxed Hair?

if you dread your hair you will not be able ot go back to realxed you will have to cut it and when you say braided likw how cornrowns a singles what?? and if you get it braided make sure it's not tight at all you hair will break if it tigt i had micro braid for 3 yeas and on spot of my hair broke ok grew back now but not the case be careful dread you can do and can go back to relaxed stright hair bradied for a few weeks or a month yes jsut un braid them

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